Victoria Andreea Giurgea joined our project at Oral English College in Yangshuo in summer 2017. Please continue reading to view her feedback:
Could you please tell us about some of your most enjoyable moments of the trip?
The barbecues we had with the children and all the faculty were very fun and enjoyable.
Which were the highlights of the lessons, cultural excursions and outdoor activities?
Playing games made the students more engaged in the lesson and it was a fun time for everyone.
How would you say the overall experience has benefited you?
It was an experience I leant a lot from and grew from.
What was the best thing about your experience in China?
The scenery was something that left an impression on me.
Would you recommend participating to a friend and if so why?
I would! Everyone and everything was very professional and it was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone.