Please can you tell us about some of your most enjoyable moments of the trip?
The teaching was an absolute highlight. The schools were so accommodating and lovely and the students were too cute. I loved the Yangshuo trip at the end – a MUST for 2018.
Which were the highlights of the lessons, cultural excursions and outdoor activities?
I loved the trips the schools did that broke up the teaching day – the outdoor activity day we had was very nice. Yangshuo was a great location to go on holiday afterwards, however, I feel I learnt more about Chinese culture from the city in which I taught, Dongguan.
How would you say the overall experience has benefited you?
It has helped me develop as a person for sure. I feel more confident in addressing a big crowd, managing it and also being clearer with my message. I have also become more sociable and my eyes are more open to the culture of China, which I had no idea about before.
What was the best thing about your experience in China?
Definitely living amongst the Chinese. By talking and socialising with Chinese nationals 24/7, I got the best possible experience of anyone.
Would you recommend participating to a friend and if so why?
I would recommend foreign teaching to anyone – it is definitely an invaluable experience. Maybe China isn’t for everyone, but foreign teaching anywhere in the world should be.