Laura Mosley joined our project at Echo English in Hangzhou in the summer of 2017. Please read on to view her feedback:
Could you please tell us about some of your most enjoyable moments of the trip?
I enjoyed exploring the city and getting the opportunity to go to Shanghai beforehand. I got along well with the other volunteers and enjoyed spending time with them.
Which were the highlights of the lessons, cultural excursions and outdoor activities?
There were no outdoor activities on my program. I enjoyed the parties which the company organised, however they did not provide much for us outside of the classroom.
How would you say the overall experience has benefited you?
It’s definitely taught me a lot about myself, allowed me to gain confidence and shown me that you need to have initiative and work on the spot.
What was the best thing about your experience in China?
Getting to live with a host family was really beneficial, as it opened my eyes to Chinese culture.
Would you recommend participating to a friend and if so why?
I would, however I would give them some extra advice, e.g. purchase a Chinese Sim card on arrival.