1. Scroll up to the timezone selecting tool, choose your timezone. Then go to the calendar, click on a day and then a list of available times will appear
2. Select your preferred time, input your name, email address and Wechat ID then click confirm.
3.You should receive a confirmation email notification within 30 minutes, followed by a reminder before your interview takes place. If you don’t see these messages, please check your spam folder
4. If you don’t provide us with a Wechat ID then the interview may not take place.
For help with Wechat, please follow this link
5. At the time of the interview, if you don’t hear from the interviewer for any reason, please send the interviewer a message on Wechat
6.If you sign up 24hours before an interview we cannot guarantee that the interviewer will be available.
If you have any problems with arranging an interview please email your contact at Gotoco